The final full moon of 2016 is also the third in a trilogy of Supermoons, where the moon is closer to Earth and larger in the sky. Officially occurring at 12:06 a.m. on December 14 UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), the full moon will be bright in the sky both December 13 and 14. Unless of course you live where I do in Canada and snowstorms block any view of the moon.
Native Americans call the moon in December the Full Cold Moon to indicate that It occurs close to the winter solstice and the coming of snow and cold weather. This year the Solstice occurs Wednesday, December 21 at 12:44 a.m. UTC. Since winter solstice is also the shortest day of the year, this moon is also called the Long Nights Moon.
In the Southern Hemisphere balance is attained by opposites. Approaching the longest days and coming of summer, the December moon down under is called the Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon or Rose Moon.
In China, the December moon is called the Bitter Moon in reference to cold weather.
This Month’s Guidance
As the year winds down, it is a time to review and evaluate your progress this year, to find gratitude for all that you have and all those you love, and to begin planning and visualizing what you would like to create in the year to come.
The holiday season is also a time where many mourn the loss of loved ones in the past year. Many families will have an empty seat this year and feel the grief of loss. Know that the pain you feel also represents the amount of love that was present. Try to focus on the positive affect that someone had in your life rather than feeling bad about their absence. In my beliefs the spirits who have crossed are still aware of love being sent their way.
We are nearing the end of a hectic ride through 2016. May the New Year bring you success, love and progress.
You can determine the times of moonrise and moonset for your location using this Moon Calculator
Full Snow Moon: February 22, 2016 (Full Hunger Moon, Bone Moon, Little Famine Moon)
Full Crow Moon: March 23, 2016 (Full Worm Moon, Crust Moon, Sap Moon)
Full Pink Moon: April 22, 2016 (Full Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, Full Fish Moon, Growing Moon)
Full Flower Moon: May 21, 2016 (Full Corn Planting Moon, Milk Moon)
Full Strawberry Moon: June 20, 2016 (Rose Moon. Thunder Moon, Mead Moon)
Full Buck Moon: July 19, 2016 (Full Thunder Moon, Full Hay Moon)
Full Sturgeon Moon: August 18, 2016 (Full Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, Grain Moon)
Full Corn Moon: September 16, 2016 (Full Harvest Moon)
Full Hunter’s Moon: October 16, 2016 (Full Blood Moon, Sanguine Moon, Travel Moon)
Full Beaver Moon: : November 14, 2016 (Frosty Moon, White Moon)
Full Cold Moon: December 29, 2016 (Full Long Nights Moon, Winter Moon)
©Copyright 2016 Glenn Stewart Coles
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