Angel Card Reading: Monday, December 19, 2016

Every week I shift into balanced vibration and choose three cards that can provide guidance and hints for the upcoming week.

You are welcome to pick one, two or all three cards in your mind prior to reading the messages.
As you do this, clear your mind of expectations and allow your higher self to guide this experience.

Card Deck: Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue

Card Deck: Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue

The purpose of Angel Card readings is to stimulate thoughts, awaken new understanding and to help you choose your direction. While we always have creative power in our experiences, the introduction of concepts can clarify our intentions. While each of us will create our own interpretations of the message, I have included both Doreen Virtue’s and my own impressions about what the card means.


Doreen: Conflict is resolved in a situation that was troubling you. Know that you deserve this peace and happiness and accept it graciously.

Glenn: When I hear this word today I think of the song by Elton John. “Harmony and me, We’re pretty good company”. When you exist in harmony with others, your life proceeds smoothly. When you exist in harmony with the world, each step is a blessing. Being in harmony does not mean that you have to change your voice to sound exactly like the others; instead it means that you adjust your unique vibration to support and encourage the progress of the world around you. By doing so, you also increase your own successes.

Archangel Michael

Doreen: This powerful archangel is with you right now. He gives you courage and helps release you from the effects of fear.

Glenn: This is a very powerful card to draw today. Michael is the highest ranked of the archangels and is called on every day for support and assistance. Today he is with you even if you did not ask for his presence. Stand tall and know that you are special. Feel comfort that you are protected. Know that you are on the right path. The heavens applaud your efforts.


Doreen: Pay careful attention to the messages the angels give you now. You have asked for a sign and they deliver it. Notice and trust these signs.

Glenn: If you pay attention to the world around you, there is usually something that stands out for you. The concept of viscosity is best described as looking at a shelf full of books and one book seems to stand out from the rest. In the same way, as you scan the world around you, notice what stands out. Notice what draws your attention. Also notice any pairings or coincidences that occur. These are signs that are meant to get your attention. Once you have noticed a sign, the next step of figuring out what it means is up to you.


You are in the right place at the right time. You are supported and loved. You are making a difference. Feel good about yourself this week and continue to create your light. Find joy in your existence, see how you influence the vibration of others, and feel intense love for yourself. You deserve it.

©Copyright 2016 Glenn Stewart Coles
The deck used for this reading is Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue.

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