The influence of this month’s full moon is amplified because it also occurs on Summer Solstice. Combining the power of moon with sun provides a special energy that both disrupts and enhances our experience on earth. The pairing of a full moon and summer solstice is a rare occurrence. The last time it happened was over seventy years ago, and the next occurrence will be in 2094. For most of us, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. In the longest day of the year, some people will be able to see both the sun and the moon in the sky at the same time.
Officially occurring at 7:02 AM EDT on June 20, the bright full moon will overlap both June 19 and 20. In North America, native peoples gave names to the moons to indicate what to expect in that month.
Full Strawberry Moon
This lunar month is named for the short harvest time for wild strawberries, which begin bloom in early spring and bear fruit in June. Around the world, strawberries are one of the most widely eaten fruits because of their adaptability, delicious taste and nutritious content.
The full moon in June is also called Rose Moon (for the blooming of roses), Hot Moon (for the beginning of summer), Thunder Moon or Lightning Moon (for the tendency of thunder storms in this month as weather changes) and the Mead Moon (for the beginning of honey collection, which is used for making an alcoholic drink called mead).
In China this full moon is called the Lotus Moon, named after the flower revered in Buddhist culture as symbolic of purity of heart and mind. It represents long life, humility, honor and tranquility.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the full moon this month is called the Oak Moon (a time for hope and healing), the Cold Moon (the beginning of winter), or Long Night’s Moon (since the Summer Solstice in Northern Hemisphere coincides with the Winter Solstice in Southern Hemisphere).
This Month’s Guidance
The high energies leading up to this pairing of moon and sun pinnacles have been a challenge for many. The struggles of individuals has been recognizable on a mass scale, with many feeling anxiety, depression and lack of hope. At the same time, many are stepping into their power as creators.
In any given moment, you have the ability to focus on darkness or light. When you choose to see the light, you can look around and see beauty everywhere. Your list of gratitude can be endless if you recognize how many wonderful things are in your life. Taking a walk can reveal the warmth of sunshine, the sound of birds, the glory of plant life and connection to planetary strength. While there may be continuous reminders that some things in our world need to change, it helps your soul to look at the bright side.
This month, set your focus on acceptance of what is while at the same time recognizing your creative ability to change your world and experience. It is a time for hope and self-healing; a time to connect to the powerful energies around you and to utilize these for your own well-being, and a time to recognize that all life has value and deserves respect.
In the vortex of energy of which we are part, claim your power, focus on gratitude, and move forward with love and compassion.
You can determine the times of moonrise and moonset for your location using this Moon Calculator
Full Snow Moon: February 22, 2016 (Full Hunger Moon, Bone Moon, Little Famine Moon)
Full Crow Moon: March 23, 2016 (Full Worm Moon, Crust Moon, Sap Moon)
Full Pink Moon: April 22, 2016 (Full Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, Full Fish Moon, Growing Moon)
Full Flower Moon: May 21, 2016 (Full Corn Planting Moon, Milk Moon)
Full Strawberry Moon: June 20, 2016 (Rose Moon. Thunder Moon, Mead Moon)
Full Buck Moon: July 19, 2016 (Full Thunder Moon, Full Hay Moon)
Full Sturgeon Moon: August 18, 2016 (Full Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, Grain Moon)
Full Corn Moon: September 16, 2016 (Full Harvest Moon)
Full Hunter’s Moon: October 16, 2016 (Full Blood Moon, Sanguine Moon, Travel Moon)
Full Beaver Moon: : November 14, 2016 (Frosty Moon, White Moon)
Full Cold Moon: December 29, 2016 (Full Long Nights Moon, Winter Moon)
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