Legendary music icon Prince died on April 21, 2016. One of his movies was appropriately entitled for this date, and from now on the Pink Moon will also be known as the Cherry Moon.
RIP Prince Rogers Nelson.
The full moon this month provides us an opportunity to accelerate our progress. Spring is the time for planning and creating projects. It is not yet time to put seed in the ground, however preparing for growing season now will allow you to surge forward later.
Officially occurring at 1:24 AM EDT April 22, 2016, this full moon will be at its brightest on the night of April 21. In North America, native peoples gave names to the moons to indicate what to expect in that month.
Full Pink Moon
The April full moon is called the Full Pink Moon because it is time for pink flowers to bloom. From the plants carpeting fields and forest floors to the blossoms in trees, the color pink reveals the awakening of life. In China this full moon is called the Peony Moon to recognize the blooming of the beautiful pink flower.
This month’s full moon is also called the Sprouting Grass Moon (get ready to mow your lawn), the Egg Moon (guess why all the birds are building nests?), and the Full Fish Moon (because some species of fish are swimming upstream to spawn).
In the Southern Hemisphere the season’s are opposite the Northern experience, therefore the names are different. In the land of under, the full moon in April is called Harvest Moon, Hunter’s Moon, or Blood Moon. It is a time to celebrate abundance and plan for the winter season.
This Month’s Guidance
Consider this lunar month as a wonderful opportunity to begin the manifestation of your visions. All creation begins within; take the time to consider what you want to accomplish this year and plan the concrete steps that you can take. While the responsibilities of life may require a lot of your focus, there is always time to dream. Follow your excitement, research your interests, and identify what you would like to harvest in the autumn.
In the southern hemisphere the harvest is taking place, which again reveals that we live in a world of both contrast and balance. While the growth of summer is over, it is still a time to plan. You know what your resources are for the next while, put thought into how to use them for your greatest advantage.
Full Snow Moon: February 22, 2016 (Full Hunger Moon, Bone Moon, Little Famine Moon)
Full Crow Moon: March 23, 2016 (Full Worm Moon, Crust Moon, Sap Moon)
Full Pink Moon: April 22, 2016 (Full Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, Full Fish Moon, Growing Moon)
Full Flower Moon: May 21, 2016 (Full Corn Planting Moon, Milk Moon)
Full Strawberry Moon: June 20, 2016 (Rose Moon. Thunder Moon, Mead Moon)
Full Buck Moon: July 19, 2016 (Full Thunder Moon, Full Hay Moon)
Full Sturgeon Moon: August 18, 2016 (Full Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, Grain Moon)
Full Corn Moon: September 16, 2016 (Full Harvest Moon)
Full Hunter’s Moon: October 16, 2016 (Full Blood Moon, Sanguine Moon, Travel Moon)
Full Beaver Moon: : November 14, 2016 (Frosty Moon, White Moon)
Full Cold Moon: December 29, 2016 (Full Long Nights Moon, Winter Moon)
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