Every week I shift into balanced vibration and choose three cards that can provide guidance and hints for the upcoming week.
You are welcome to pick one, two or all three cards in your mind prior to reading the messages.
As you do this, clear your mind of expectations and allow your higher self to guide this experience.
The purpose of Angel Card readings is to stimulate thoughts, awaken new understanding and to help you choose your direction. While we always have creative power in our experiences, the introduction of concepts can clarify our intentions. While each of us will create our own interpretations of the message, I have included both Doreen Virtue’s and my own impressions about what the card means.
Doreen: You are asked to pay extra attention to your children or your inner child right now. New children may be coming into your life very soon.
Glenn: When one thinks of a child, the concept of innocence comes to mind. Not yet wise from experience and not held back by years of training. Children tend to wear their heart on their sleeve, feeling emotions at greater extremes. They are more likely to play and fantasize, making up stories and taking up character roles. Children also tend to be more honest, blurting out what they are thinking whether it is the right thing to say or not. This week, pay attention to any children that come into your life and try to see the world through their eyes. Also, find within yourself a new way of looking at the world, seeing the magic and wonder in everything around you. Talk to the animals, fly with the birds, give gratitude to the trees. Allow your inner child to play with every step of your journey.
Doreen: Believe in yourself and have faith that God and the Angels are with you. Ask them to help you lose the fears that block you from enjoying full faith.
Glenn: If you have doubts, let them go. If you are unsure of your path, simply step forward. If you are worried about the future, trust that you are already on the right path and allow the universe to let things unfold. While we have control over which direction we choose and how we react to events, we also recognize that we are in a complex environment and can neither control nor understand everything that happens. Allow the game to proceed and trust that what you are experiencing has deeper intentions with positive outcome. No matter what you are feeling at the moment, trust that this story has a happy ending.
Doreen: Your prayer for a soulmate relationship is answered. Follow the guidance that you receive so that you may enjoy this gift of Divine Love.
Glenn: Are you wanting that special someone to come into your life? Be open to any and all interactions that take place. Instead of looking at everyone with narrow eye and specific definitions, allow that the soul who provides the best outcome for your growth may not appear as you have fantasized. If you are instead involved in a relationship but feeling gaps between your dreams and realities, take steps to provide THEM with fulfillment of their dreams. Cast aside your own needs and take steps to bring joy into someone else’s experience. As you do, the joy that you trigger will come back to you exponentially.
The cards this week are revealing that other people will play a role. Though you may be quite content with who you are and where you are going, understand that companionship brings more to your life. Instead of making everything all about you, be willing to offer your energy to others to help their dreams come true. As you do, your own experiences will be enhanced. Do not hold back from offering because of your own doubts; instead trust that every interaction is orchestrated by a higher source. Have fun and shine; when you do everyone you meet will shift and so will you.
©Copyright 2017 Glenn Stewart Coles
The deck used for this reading is Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue.