Eight Books for Lightworkers

In my life I have read many books and each has had influence. This list is a representation of the books that had the most impact on my growth as a lightworker. Of course no list is definitive and I am sure there are many more that could be added. However if you read all eight of these books you will shift your energy and change your world.

Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan

This beautiful book introduces in detail concepts about our energy body and aura. Barbara Brennan is a medical intuitive who can see health ailments when she looks at people, thus providing more information to assist healing. Full of diagrams and training exercises, this book is an essential read for anyone wanting to learn about healing from more than a physical level. Her book ‘Light Emerging’ is a perfect companion to ‘Hands of Light’ and provides deeper information about the role of a healer.

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

When I first read this book, I actually listened to an audio recording while traveling. While the writing in this novel is quite simple, the concepts opened my eyes to many greater possibilities. James Redfield has since released many books that expand on these concepts; for me the first one had the most impact. As the hero of the book is exposed to nine insights about life and spirituality, the reader awakens to new concepts and enlightenment.

Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

A homeless man in despair sits down with a pad of paper and writes a question to God. To his surprise he gets an answer. So he asks another question then another. This book provides an enlightening introduction to a God who is wise, compassionate, understanding and has higher values. Neale Donald Walsch has written numerous books which are all profound. If you have not read him yet, start with the first book.

The Right to Speak by Patsy Rodenburg

Patsy Rodenbergy is a voice coach who teaches professional speakers (actors, teachers, public speakers) as well as coaching people with speech impediments. In this book she teaches that the skill of communication involves experience and practice (while providing several training exercises). She also reveals that the most important element in your ability to speak is the confidence to do so. Take hold of your power and grow.

Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein

There are few novels in this list, but Stranger in a Strange Land had a profound effect on my knowledge and beliefs. We learn that beliefs restrict the mind, and we are capable of much more if we shift concepts. We are provided with new outlooks on religion, feminism, friendship and the power structure. A new word introduced in the novel is ‘grok’. Once you contemplate the meaning of grok, you will never be the same. The novel that won the Hugo Award for Science Fiction was a shortened version required by the publishing company. The version linked here is the full-length novel originally planned for release by Heinlein.

The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

When I was beginning to learn about the mysteries of spirituality, I went to visit a psychic. She told me that I was about to begin an accelerated learning curve and suggested that I start with the ‘Peaceful Warrior’. A few year later I had the pleasure of meeting Dan Millman and telling him how influential his book had been for me.

The Afterlife of Billy Fingers by Annie Kagan

A woman begins getting messages from her dead brother. We learn about existence on the other side of the veil. We learn that there is more. This book is an excellent read for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one or concerned about their own death.

Soul Work 101 by Glenn Stewart Coles

The book that has had the most influence on my life is the one that I wrote. I began by writing a column on the Internet called ‘Weekly Inspirations’. Over a period of several years I documented my accelerated spiritual growth by writing each week about what i was learning. Once I had a large collection of material I narrowed down to the chapters with the most impact. The end result is an enlightening guide for personal and spiritual growth.

©Copyright 2016 Glenn Stewart Coles

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