Angel Card Reading: Monday, February 6, 2017

Every week I shift into balanced vibration and choose three cards that can provide guidance and hints for the upcoming week.

You are welcome to pick one, two or all three cards in your mind prior to reading the messages.
As you do this, clear your mind of expectations and allow your higher self to guide this experience.

The purpose of Angel Card readings is to stimulate thoughts, awaken new understanding and to help you choose your direction. While we always have creative power in our experiences, the introduction of concepts can clarify our intentions. While each of us will create our own interpretations of the message, I have included both Doreen Virtue’s and my own impressions about what the card means.

Card Deck: Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue


Doreen: You are a perfect child of God and every part of you is wonderful. Your angels guide you to let go of negative self-judgments and to enjoy being you!

Glenn: You are who you are. While there may be aspects of yourself that you would like to change, what cannot be altered is your starting point. At this moment, what you see is what you get. It is time to accept that you are special and here for a purpose. Love yourself first and everything else begins to fall into place.

Archangel Michael

Doreen: This powerful Archangel is here with you now. He gives you courage and helps release you from the effects of fear.

Glenn: You are not alone. You are loved and considered special by higher spirits. The attention of Michael is a great honor, yet consider that he feels it is an honor to serve YOU. Know that you have angelic love and assistance supporting your every step. You are here to make a difference and Archangel Michael is here to help you. Walk forward today with confidence in your purpose and abilities.


Doreen: Your true self – radiant, powerful, successful and intelligent – is now shining through the surface. Allow your true self to be visible to others, for you lift them up and inspire them.

Glenn: Your inner light shines brightly. When you walk into a room, people feel your presence. When your name pops up in conversation, people feel a smile come to their face. Accept the fact that YOU are already special and allow yourself to shine. When you do, the world notices.


You are here to make a difference. The biggest barrier to your success is self-doubts. Know that the angels are here to support you. Know that other people already see more in you than you see in yourself. It is time to let go of old restricting beliefs and step forward into your glory. The time is here for you to become what you have always known you can be. Shine on, you crazy diamond!
©Copyright 2017 Glenn Stewart Coles
The deck used for this reading is Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue.

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